Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (FAI) Group
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Pascal Lauer

Computer Science Department
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (FAI) Group
Campus E 1.1, R. 3.14
Universität des Saarlandes
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany


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Hi, I am Pascal. In 2020 I received my B.Sc. at Saarland University. I continued my studies at Saarland University and obtained my M.Sc. in 2022. I am now a PhD student in a Dual PhD arrangement between Saarland University (at the chair of Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoffmann) and Australian National University (supervised and supported through a scholarship by Dr. Pascal Bercher). While there is no institutional affiliation, I am grateful for the additional supervision by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Álvaro Torralba at Aalborg University, which started during my BSc thesis and persists to this day.

I work in the field of Planning, i.e. symbolic sequential decision making, with a primary emphasis on heuristic search. I am intrigued by the underlying algorithmic challenges in the field. I find the challenge of computing a fast, yet informative, heuristic particularly exciting.
My PhD thesis is centered in a sub-discipline known as Lifted Planning. In this research, I explore a shift from the commonly used propositional (grounded) formulation found in most successful planning approaches to the first-order logic (lifted) formulation typically used to describe planning tasks in practice. This shift introduces unique challenges and allows to overcome obstacles that propositional approaches are not able to. The transformation trade-off from first-order to propositional formulations precisely captures the trade-off between speed and informativeness at the knowledge representation level.
For now I concentrate on classical planning and hierarchical planning formalisms, although I believe that the main ideas generalize to a broader context.

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