Álvaro Torralba
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (FAI) Group
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Dr. Álvaro Torralba

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Curriculum Vitae

I am currently a researcher in the Fundation of Artificial Intelligence (FAI) Group of Saarland University hosted by Prof. Jörg Hoffmann. Since July 2019, I am also working on a CISPA project, the Helmholtz Center of Information Security.

Before, I was a PhD student in the Planning and Learning Group (PLG) of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. I finished PhD Thesis: "Symbolic Search and Abstraction Heuristics for Cost-Optimal Planning" under the supervision of Prof. Carlos Linares López and Prof. Daniel Borrajo in 2015.

The main area of reseach is Automated Planning, with special focus in Classical Planning. My interests extend to other related Artificial Intelligence areas such as heuristic search in combinatorial domains, machine learning, general game playing and problem solving, constraint satisfaction and optimization, etc.