The Games Played at the Competition

For all the games we here provide short descriptions of the game, the game description as well as the stylesheet used on the GGP server of TU Dresden in zipped directories.

The Games of the Heats

Game #players simultaneous? symmetric? files
Mimikry 1     mimikry.tar.bz2
Logistics 2 X X logistics.tar.bz2
Pawn Whopping Simultaneous 2 pawn_whopping_simultaneous.tar.bz2
Battle Brushes 4 battleBrushes.tar.bz2

The Games of the Final and Consolation Round

Game #players simultaneous? symmetric? files
Frogs & Toads 1     frogsAndToads.tar.bz2
Clobber 2 X X clobber.tar.bz2
Rendezvous Asteroids 2 rendezvous_asteroids.tar.bz2
Fighter 2 X fighter.tar.bz2
Tower of Babel 3 babel.tar.bz2