Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (FAI) Group
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Prof. Dr. Jörg Hoffmann

Saarland University, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Group
DFKI Affiliate Professor
Saarland Informatics Campus
Building E1 1
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

E-Mail:(last name) (at) cs (dot) uni-saarland (dot) de
Telephone: +49 (0) 681 302 71471 Fax: +49 (0) 681 302 57554
Location: Room 3.18

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Google Scholar profile:


Own publications page:

AI professor ranking: (rank 1 in Core AI venues among German professors)

Research Interests. I'm working on a range of topics relating to AI action-decision problems, with connections to related areas such as SAT/CP, verification, and natural language generation. Currently, my primary interest is in methods to gain trust in learned action-decision components (action policies). My research group is exploring methods to explain, verify, test, and visualize the behavior of such policies.

Short CV. I completed my PhD at the University of Freiburg in 2002, with a thesis that won the EurAI Dissertation award 2002. After postdoctoral positions at Max Planck Institute for Computer Science, Cornell University, the University of Innsbruck, and at SAP Research, I joined INRIA as a Directeur de Recherche in 2009. I became a Professor at Saarland University in 2012, where I'm heading the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Group. I'm an elected Fellow of AAAI and EurAI.



Please see the FAI Teaching page.


A central activity in my research area is the development of systems, whose empirical performance serves to evaluate the underlying ideas. Here 's a list of systems I've been involved in:

For more detailed information and source code downloads, please see the FAI group's Software page.

Scientific Organization.

Invited talks. Reviewing.

Co-authors (journal and conference papers).

  1. Corin Anderson
  2. Mihai Andrei
  3. Anupriya Ankolekar
  4. Carlos Areces
  5. Grigori Babitski
  6. Alistair Barros
  7. Michael Backes
  8. Gerd Behrmann
  9. Fabian Bendun
  10. Arne Berre
  11. Julian Bitterwolf
  12. Stefan Borgwardt
  13. Blai Bonet
  14. Matthias Born
  15. Olivier Buffet
  16. Facundo Bustos
  17. Simon Bergweiler
  18. Piergiorgio Bertoli
  19. Ronen Brafman
  20. Martim Brandao
  21. Michael Brenner
  22. Dunbo Cai
  23. Lorenzo Cascioli
  24. Michael Cashmore
  25. Ernie Chang
  26. Maria Christakis
  27. Amanda Coles
  28. Andrew Coles
  29. Luis Costa
  30. Jeanette Daum
  31. Jesse Davis
  32. Vera Demberg
  33. Laurens Devos
  34. Henning Dierks
  35. Yannis Dimopoulos
  36. Martin Dominguez
  37. Carmel Domshlak
  38. Klaus Draeger
  39. Patrick Dubbert
  40. Philippe Duchesne
  41. Stefan Edelkamp
  42. R. Eifler
  43. Roman Englert
  44. Hasan Ferit Eniser
  45. Rasha Faqeh
  46. Nazim Fates
  47. Chris Fawcett
  48. Ivan Fedotov
  49. Dieter Fensel
  50. Patrick Ferber
  51. Alan Fern
  52. Christoph Fetzer
  53. Maximilian Fickert
  54. Bernd Finkbeiner
  55. Daniel Fišer
  56. Daniel Fitzner
  57. Marco Foschini
  58. Maria Fox
  59. Jeremy Frank
  60. Ivan Gavran
  61. Hector Geffner
  62. Florian Geißer
  63. Alfonso Gerevini
  64. Daniel Gnad
  65. Carla Gomes
  66. Guido Governatori
  67. Timo Gros
  68. David Gross
  69. Miha Grzar
  70. Tianyi Gu
  71. Stefan Gumhold
  72. Tias Guns
  73. Mingyu Hao
  74. Patrik Haslum
  75. Philippe Heim
  76. M. Hein
  77. Daniel Heller
  78. Malte Helmert
  79. Martin Hepp
  80. Holger Hermanns
  81. Stijn Heymans
  82. Anke Hirsch
  83. Daniel Höller
  84. Holger Hoos
  85. David Howcroft
  86. Frank Hutter
  87. Chaahat Jain
  88. Matthäus Jany
  89. Tomasz Kaczmarek
  90. Erez Karpas
  91. Michael Katz
  92. Henry Kautz
  93. Emil Keyder
  94. Peter Kissmann
  95. Dietrich Klakow
  96. Michaela Klauck
  97. Eva Klien
  98. Thorsten Klößner
  99. Nina Knieriemen
  100. Maximilian Köhl
  101. Jana Koehler
  102. Arne Köhn
  103. Alexander Koller
  104. Yugesh Kothari
  105. Alisa Kovtunova
  106. Marek Kowalkiewicz
  107. Frank Michael Kraft
  108. Michal Krajnansky
  109. Markus Krötzsch
  110. Antonio Krüger
  111. Robert Kuennemann
  112. Sebastian Kupferschmid
  113. Joel Langlois
  114. Kim G. Larsen
  115. Pascal Lauer
  116. Freddy Lecue
  117. Kevin Leyton-Brown
  118. Andreas Limyr
  119. Frederico Liporace
  120. Alberto Lluch Lafuente
  121. Jianlin Li
  122. Derek Long
  123. Daniele Magazzeni
  124. Rupak Majumdar Jayanta Mandi
  125. Annapaola Marconi
  126. Ivan Markovic
  127. Ninja Marnau
  128. Patrick Maue
  129. Norman May
  130. Hendrik Meerkamp
  131. Jan Mendling
  132. Andrew Mitchell
  133. Martin Mueller
  134. Nicola Müller
  135. Hootan Nakhost
  136. Jorge A Navas
  137. Bernhard Nebel
  138. Raz Nissim
  139. Joerg Nitzsche
  140. Hector Palacios
  141. Giancarlo Pellegrino
  142. M. Petrik
  143. Joshua Phillips
  144. Marco Pistore
  145. Andreas Podelski
  146. Valerie Poser
  147. Julie Porteous
  148. Thorsten Rauber
  149. Jussi Rintanen
  150. Frank Rittinger
  151. Wheeler Ruml
  152. Andrey Rybalchenko
  153. Ashish Sabharwal
  154. Carlos Sarraute
  155. Frederik Schmitt
  156. Daniel Schoen
  157. James Scicluna
  158. Laura Sebastia
  159. Valentin Seimetz
  160. Bart Selman
  161. Ivan Serina
  162. Siddhant Sharma
  163. Alexander Shleyfman
  164. Milivoj Simeonovski
  165. Adina Sirbu
  166. Jan-Georg Smaus
  167. Patrick Speicher
  168. Christoph Stasch
  169. Leonhard Staut
  170. Michael Stollberg
  171. Sven Schade
  172. Christine Schäfer
  173. Lukas Schmitz
  174. Maximilian Schwenger
  175. Guy Shani
  176. Dorin Shmaryahu
  177. Aleena Siji
  178. Adish Singla
  179. David Smith
  180. Fabian Spaniol
  181. Katharina Stein
  182. Marcel Steinmetz
  183. Nathalie Steinmetz
  184. Francois Tertre
  185. Sylvie Thiebaux
  186. Alvaro Torralba
  187. Felipe Trevizan
  188. Sebastian Trueg
  189. Isabel Valera
  190. Mauro Vallati
  191. Laurentiu Vasiliu
  192. Marcel Vinzent
  193. Alexander Walkowski
  194. Ingo Weber
  195. Martin Wehrle
  196. Christoph Weidenbach
  197. Daniel Weld
  198. Julia Wichlacz
  199. Frederik Wiehr
  200. Verena Wolf
  201. Valentin Wüustholz
  202. Raluca Zaharia
  203. Nicolas Zastavni
  204. Xuan Zhou

Uh yes, I also have hobbies. Here's the glorious web page of my (ex-)band The Inglorious Mustard Boys ...